Building A Vibrant Ecosystem For High Growth Startups

Jelawang Capital, supporting the growth of Malaysia's VC ecosystem

Jelawang Capital is a subsidiary of Khazanah Nasional Berhad and it is Malaysia's National Fund-of-Funds, an initiative under Dana Impak. Jelawang Capital aims to develop Malaysia's venture capital ecosystem via investments and partnerships with fund managers.

Empowering Venture, Cascading Growth

Like water cascading from the heights, Jelawang Capital channels its investments through skilled fund managers. This ensures that capital flows to the most promising startups, driving value creation and sustainable growth. At the core of this mission are two flagship programmes:

Unearth and develop emerging Malaysian fund managers, based in Malaysia or overseas, who are raising their first, second, or third fund.

Investment into regional funds to catalyse growth, market expansion, and attract innovative startups into Malaysia’s ecosystem.

Malaysia Venture Capital Roadmap 2024-2030

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